Comenius 2012-2013

El passat dilluns 19 de novembre, els alumnes interessats en participar al projecte Comenius es van reunir en horari extraescolar per determinar el tipus de treball que es duria a terme durant la resta del curs. 
Els professors van mostrar tot el magnífic treball fet el curs anterior i per tant, el punt de partida per a aquests mesos de treball que vindran. 
També es van proposar idees per fer saber als alumnes del institut sobre el projecte, amb propostes molt atractives, per exemple, al Dia de la Dona. Personalment, considero aquesta una oportunitat única, on se'ns permet treballar un tema actual amb una llengua a la que no estem habituats encara que la estudiem des de fa molts anys.
Finalment, us deixo una fotografia de la reunió on apareixen els participants, escoltant atentament.

Last Monday, November the 19th, all students interested in being part of this year's Comenius project met after school to discuss what kind of project is going to be developed during this year.
Teachers showed the magnificent work done by last year's students, that will be  the base we will work on for the next months.
In this meeting, we also put forward some ideas that will let other students know about our project. Some really attractive ideas were suggested, such as organising an activity on the Women's day.
In my opinion, this project is a unique chance that will let us investigate an ongoing issue, using a foreign language we are not used to, even though we have been studying it for several years.
To conclude, I've uploaded this photo from the meeting in which all participants can be seen carefully listening.

Judith Lleixà